
CONGRATULATIONS on taking the first step into your publishing dreams! Let’s start by getting a few questions answered!

Infinite Books and More

Infinite Books and More was established in November 2020 out of a need to give a voice through words for our future leaders of the world. Understanding that there was an educational gap in books for kids to help them dream and have positive visions for their future, author and owner , Elnora Hubbard sprang into action to fill the voids. Forming Infinite Books and More gave her the ability publish, as well as create a platform where reading would become fun again for our next generation.

After writing her first book, Dylan’s Rocket, Ms. Hubbard saw another opportunity to help create a avenue for future writers and author’s voices could be heard. Infinite Books and More gives others the ability to publish their works under the guidance of Ms. Hubbard as well as give the marketing support to make their dreams a reality. Ms. Hubbard believes that helping others succeed will promote a positive change in the growth of our communities and help our youth dream to be bigger and better.

Infinite Books and More also has an educational line that bridges the learning component of books and supplies that are needed to help foster the growth of learning. This allows for the expansion and long-term development of publishers and creates a lasting impact on the lives of those the Infinite Books and More touches. Today is the day that your voice should be heard through words. Today is the day that your future leaders can see images of themselves being positive figures in their own communities.

Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader!

Contact Infinite Books and More today for a consultation and allow Ms. Hubbard to make your dream a reality.